Gurgle (Royal Gramma) would probably have been far too large for Gill to eat but would have been the perfect meal ticket for Bloat. Jacques (Cleaner Shrimp) would have long since been lunch for either Bloat (Puffer Fish) or Gill (Moorish Idol). If he didn’t die from exhaustion, injury, or fright, he likely would have succumbed to disease because of a weakened immune system as a result of the stress. Bubbles and Deb would have chased Nemo until he either jumped out of the aquarium or was pinned into a corner and was not allowed to move.
If the movie were to be played out in reality, if Bubbles (Yellow Tang) and Deb (Damselfish) were already in the aquarium and Nemo (Clownfish) were suddenly dropped in one day, things would not have gone well. Wouldn’t you rather read it than learn about it through personal experience? It’s a really common occurrence when an aquarium is purchased and filled with creatures impulsively.) Compatibility of Species If the lowered pH didn’t kill the remaining fish in the aquarium, they would have suffocated due to ammonia damage to their gills. As they decayed, they would produce ammonia and further drop the pH. The first to die would be the anemone and the shrimp. Without something to bring up the pH and keep it stable through a process known as buffering, the waste from the fish would have caused the pH to drop and a chain-reaction of death to occur if no intervention was made. Saltwater aquariums require an aragonite-based substrate (gravel) that helps to keep the water at a high pH. The gravel in the aquarium is regular colored gravel used in many freshwater aquariums. While these are fine for freshwater or fish only saltwater aquaria, they do not provide the amount of light required for anemones to survive. The light on the aquarium was a standard output light that is common on most starter kit aquaria. Without it, having an anemone would be next to impossible and shrimp and starfish would be very problematic. On the aquarium in the movie, there was no protein skimmer which is a critical part of saltwater filtration. There is no way that so many fish could live in such a small water volume with so little filtration. There is a small hang on the back filter that would have come as part of an aquarium kit, intended for a lightly-stocked freshwater aquarium. The aquarium was far too small, giving people the impression that they can keep a quantity of fish together that require far more room. The aquarium in the dentists’ office in the film is probably no larger than 20-30 gallons, which would have meant that these creatures would have been practically stacked right on top of one another. What would happen if these things were all put together in the aquarium in the dentists’ office in Finding Nemo? We would have equipment problems. They also require an aquarium that has had several months to mature prior to them being added. This means very good filtration and very regular water changes. Jacques – Cleaner ShrimpĬleaner Shrimp are delicate critters that need very high water quality. Like most tangs, the Yellow Tang requires a 6′ aquarium to be happy. However, once settled into its new home, it usually becomes aggressive to anything that is added to the aquarium. The Yellow Tang is a fairly robust fish that adapts well to aquarium life. Dory technically wasn’t a tank mate in the dentists’ office, but in real life most people want to put her in with a Nemo themed aquarium, so she is being mentioned here. The Blue Hippo Tang gets very large (easily reaching a foot in length) and requires a 6′ long aquarium to develop properly. This beach ball would be about 30 gallons worth of water. Ocellaris Clownfish are relatively non- aggressive, but occupy a space in an aquarium about the size of a large beach ball. If put into the aquarium when small, two clownfish will often form a pair. The Ocellaris Clownfish is a relatively hardy little fish.