For direct damage and targeted attacks outside of combat, the deck includes The Wanderer and Greater Auramancy.Ĭard draw, treasure tokens, and unlimited hand-size combine with four different Tutors, an Urza's Saga, and a Teferi's Puzzle Box help you keep multiple options in hand, and hopefully keep Kwain hopping one or two steps ahead of your opponents (Remember to use the tutors before your Teferi's Puzzle Box hits the board). Finally, since this deck does not rely on creatures or doing damage to win, and generates lots of cards in hand, Meishin, the Mind Cage is an easy way to reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 power.

Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace help directly reduce the deck's exposure to attack, along with Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer for any specific threats or "when attacks" triggers. The deck has several prison elements with Moat, Silent Arbiter, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and Sphere of Safety. Alternate win conditions include Approach of the Second Sun, Jace's Archivist, Windfall, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Triskaidekaphile, and Test of Endurance but the deck is also perfectly capable of beating someone to death with a giant fish - or a giant anything thanks to numerous life-gain options paired with an Archangel of Thune.

I use a few card-draw creatures as well, such as Shabraz, the Skyshark for their synergy with Kwain. =Īt it's core, the deck is group hug with card-draw, card based mana-ramp, and multiple options for life-gain. This is not a budget deck, but in a gracious nod to Lewis Carroll, it is incredibly fun to go "down the rabbit-hole".

This deck is a spider-web of synergy and combos, multiple infinite combos, and complete bonkers level shenanigans lurking behind a friendly-looking magic rabbit. This deck was an idea to use some of my old cards, and also see just how nuts I could go with Kwain, Itinerant Meddler.