but I ' m not in the mood of continuing " - and here I go on " // This expression is not allowed anymore in Scilab 6: scalar number must be written on one line y = 12. The cosine of t he angle bet ween t wo vect ors is obt ained f rom t he dot product of t he vect ors divided by t he product of t heir magnit udes. but I ' m not in the mood of continuing - and here I go on " // This one is the correct expression now a = " here I start a very long string " +. In t he f ol lowing examples, t he f unct ion sum is used t o calculat e t he dot product of t wo vect ors: ->sum(A.B) ans 13. " ) and expects nothing on the next line cd ( d ) // Go back to your working directory // This expression does not work anymore in Scilab 6 a = " here I start a very long string.

" argument d = pwd ( ) cd SCI /contrib cd. The dot-product function (built into Matlab but not Scilab) must work for vectors of any length. x is evaluated as (2).x Continuation mark. The above formula only works for vectors of length 3. " visible ", " on " ) // Console-oriented calls with some ". Note that when dot follows a number it is alway prt of the number so 2.x is evaluated as 2.0x and 2. Multiply (+1) and divide (-1) characters indicate the operations to be. You specify the operations with the Number of inputs parameter. This block produces outputs using either element-wise or matrix multiplication, depending on the value of the Multiplication parameter. " background ", color ( 244, 244, 244 ). The Product block performs multiplication or division of its inputs. Cross Product The cross product gives the orientation of the plane described by two vectors in three dimensional space. As you can see from the above figure, if both the vectors are normalized, then you get the relative orientation of the two vectors. A single huge line would not comply with Scilab coding style: fig = figure ( " figure_name ", " FIGURE ". The dot product gives the relative orientation of two vectors in two - dimensional space. N_row = // Without the continuation mark, the matrix is read row by row: N_square = // Within very long instructions like when creating uicontrol where many properties must be set, // continuation marks are almost mandatory and allow to write and set one property per line // in a readable way.
#Scilab dot product code#
Exa Example (Solved example) Eqn Equation (Particular equation of the above book) AP Appendix to Example(Scilab Code that is an Appednix to a particular Example of the above book) For example, Exa 3.51 means solved example 3.51 of this book. * x // a space is not required between 2 and dot // When writing rows of a matrix on different lines, ". Scilab numbering policy used in this document and the relation to the above book. decimal point 1.345 //used as part of an operator x = x.